Margarida Gandara Rauen, Ph.D. Professor
Margie in Arts
Ode to Persephone, by Cristiane Bouger. On the photo, Debora Segantine as Persephone (2001). Directing Consultancy by Margie Rauen. Photo by Carlão Busato.
Directing Consultancy
As a professor of Drama and Performing Arts in Brazil, Margie Rauen supervised and advised uncountable creative projects at the College of Arts in Curitiba, Paraná, from 1995 through 2009, and at UNICENTRO, in Irati and Guarapuava, from 1994 through 2012. Some of these projects became final public examinations in a single performance, and others became plays and interventions in festival programs throughout Brazil and abroad. Other colleagues and professors were deeply involved in these projects, such as Amabilis de Jesus, Marcia Moraes, Paulo Biscaia, Sueli Araujo. Several of our former students became professors and earned their Master’s and Doctoral degrees in the 2000s, while many others became directors and entrepreneurs with their own professional companies, as well as award winning performers. One of the remarkable examples is Cristiane Bouger and her following works: The Last Supper, Espaço Cênico, Curitiba, 1999 and TUCA/PUC-PR, 2000; Polifônica Sincrética (Ode to Persephone), Espaço Dois, Memorial de Curitiba, UNICENTRO Campus Irati and UNICENTRO Campus Guarapuava, 2001; Trailer Play de Indra-Koan - Open Laboratory, Casa Vermelha, Curitiba, 2001. All plays with my directing consultancy.
Participatory Poetics
A interatividade, o controle da cena e o público como agente compositor [Interactivity, scene control and the audience as a composition agent].
Texts by Ciane Fernandes and Wagner Lacerda, Cristiane Bouger, Henrique Saidel, Ismael Scheffler, Lígia Losada Tourinho, Luana Raiter and Pedro Diniz Bennaton, Margarida Gandara Rauen/Margie, Maria Beatriz de Medeiros, Stela Regina Fischer, and Manuela Afonso. Foreword by Valmir Santos.
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